Podcast: Wrestling and Dreaming

As many of you know, I have recently begun a weekly podcast called Wrestling and Dreaming: Engaging Discussions on Judaism. The podcast can be found at wrestlinganddreaming.podbean.com or through Apple and other podcast sources. I hope you will find the podcast thought provoking and meaningful.

The podcast will feature discussions on various Jewish issues and concepts, focusing quite often on some of my favorite Jewish texts. The title of the podcast which I explain at length in the first episode is a reference to our patriarch Jacob, Israel, and my hopes to address some serious issues always keeping an optimistic, hopeful perspective on how we can continue to seek to build the world of our dreams.

While the podcast will include the type of issues which I have addressed in this website blog, I do plan to continue to write here often. I will use this space to make some comments on issues in the news and to post occasional on issues which do not focus on Judaism, whether on sports, movies and TV shows or 60’s and 70’s nostalgia.

Please continue to check back to this website or to subscribe so that you receive a notice when there is a new posting. And, please listen to my podcast!

Thank you everyone for your kind words and support.

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