September 11, 2012

11 years is a long time. But, in many ways, those 11 years have flown by.

For those families who lost loved ones in the horrible attacks of 9/11/01, I offer my condolences and hopes that time has brought some comfort to you. May your loved ones be kept in the bond of life. May they rest in peace. May you find comfort and peace.

For those of us whose connection with the tragic attacks is less personal but still so strongly emotional, what do we remember, what does this day continue to mean to us?

I remember so well rushing down to my kids’ school where I was the mara d’atra, the Rabbinic Authority- as well as a parent- to calm fears, help the staff answer questions (as if any of us had the answers) and then to bring my children home as school closed early.

I remember watching TV some of the afternoon but feeling that, as hard as it was, I had to take the kids outside to enjoy the beautiful day and help them continue to have faith in the world.

And, I remember the interfaith gathering in the evening where I spoke about how important it was to teach our children to “choose life”.

It is unthinkable that we would not take time out on this day to remember.

But, it is important to note that time has moved on.

The memories of that day are still clear and they will stay with us for many, many years.

The lessons of that day can never be forgotten.

But, on this beautiful day in September, it’s appropriate that like so many of us did with our kids that day 11 years ago, we go out in the sunshine again and smile and continue to wish and work for a better world.



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